Sharing Information

Rule #5: Harness the Flow and Let Information Go

Rethink how information is shared

We all know that information is valuable and needs to be shared, but we often get bogged down in determining the right size, the right audience, and the right time for sharing information. By rethinking our systems for sharing information we can find new ways to increase alignment and collaboration across our organization.


We share information.

A southwestern school district (8,000 students, 17 schools) embraced the rule: Harness the Flow and Let Information Go by sharing information broadly and consistently. The superintendent went out of his way to share information with schools and the community, even before he had certainty on every detail. As a result, others felt part of the process and more willing to take risks and learn together. For more on this case study see the Sharing Information chapter in The NEW School Rules book.


These activities will help you and your team test out new ways of sharing information

Sharing Information Workout #5A

This workout supports Rule #5: Harness the Flow and Let Information Go. This workout will help you take messages and chunk them into small, medium, and large pieces based on effort and expiration.

New Workouts Coming Soon

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Here’s what we’re reading and writing

Articles, reports, and activities related to The NEW School Rules

Reboot Our Schools

We need to reorganize our schools to mirror our day-to-day lives so formal learning is more relevant to students and the school workplace is more appealing to our teachers.

Workout #2B

This workout helps you dive deeper into Teaming Rule #2. It helps you practice redistributing authority to the teams and individuals closest to each decision.

Rethink Consensus

Consensus as a strategy is often overused and misused. Instead of defaulting to consensus, we need to focus on how to get clearer about roles and authority.

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